4th of July Weekend

Okay, so I know I’ve been kinda MIA lately. I practically ran around like a crazy person last week. I was so busy I barely had a second to sit down, let alone update the blog. But I am back and wanted to share with you guys some pics from this weekend. My friends from school in NYC all came down and we got to experience the beach, hiking, jet skiing and boat rides. Not to mention the fireworks and delish ice cream down here. I tried to show them the best of the Jersey Shore.

Also, we did some shopping and picked up these “I woke up like this… Flawless” t-shirts because we are huge fans of Beyonce and this was too good to pass up.  You can buy similar ones on Etsy here.  Overall, the weekend was so much fun. So- if you have friends visiting this summer I suggest taking them outdoors as much as possible. I took them to my favorite food places and shopping so they’ll have some cool stuff from NJ to remember the weekend. I hope you all had a great weekend too!

(Photo Credit: Savannah McCauley)

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Thanks for an amazing weekend girls! Love you all! And in case you were wondering about who these lovely girls were- from the pic above (Left to Right) is Gabby, Chanda, Savannah, and me!



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