
I know we lost in the World Cup yesterday to Belgium but I am still on Team USA. I am very proud and lucky to be an American. I especially feel this way on the 4th of July, sitting on the beach or lying on the bow of my boat, watching the fireworks. I feel very lucky to live where I do. I know I have been kind of away from the blog/instagram for a few days and I’m sorry. Like I said on Monday, there was a family emergency and things have been kind of hard. We’re tying to all rely on each other for love and support.

However, my 3 friends from college are coming this weekend and I am so excited. It is definitely going to be a good distraction and it will be nice to see my friends. We’ll be going to my favorite hot dog joint and my favorite ice cream shop. Plus, we’ll be on the beach all day getting ready for the big firework display. Below, I put together a bunch of outfit ideas and inspiration for the weekend. It is always fun to be a little extra patriotic!


Recipe here for the yummy drink above!

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91a497c159e2f5222488b6e0630e76d9 3116a2545cea99faf7bf38a58de09ebe c0050cfdda3d46ea9c433f3e34ca7fd1


Also, the perfect accessory to any 4th of July outfit is a bold, red lip. The trick is lipliner first.



Hope this gave you some inspo for the 4th. I know I’ll be doing some last minute patriotic shopping tomorrow and this definitely helped me.





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